Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My "Review," on Reviews

I knew I shouldn't of clicked on it. I saw the picture in the sidebar and knew it could only amount to bad things...which it did.

I don't hate reviews, believe me, I usually love the most hated movies on the planet, and I put up with the inevitable bad reviews. Some of them are them are insightful, some of them are hilarious, but some of them are downright disgusting.

Last week I saw "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," (cringe now if you must, but be warned you'll be doing it more later) I kind of liked it. Its still not how I pictured the book to be on film, since the script writer has a lot more poetic license then I thought, but it was better than Twilight (which wasn't very hard to achieve).

I read some reviews, and of course no one liked it, it was expected. The reviews were already written before the movie was even made. What got my goat (and no, it wasn't a vegetarian vampire) was the fact that some reviewers felt the need to not only to insult a groups intelligence, but everything about "Those Things," that love Twilight.

Thankfully I look past it, even being called a communist doesn't bother me anymore (being part Russian really helps that situation), but at least think of the kids your writing about. Did you ever really love something at that age that you thought was best thing ever, but you were convinced by some outside source that you were stupid to think that way, and that EVERYBODY hates it? Hmm, I thought I was the communist in this example?

If you don't agree with something, go ahead write it out, make your points, counter points, and all that jazz, but there is no reason, no reason AT ALL to hatefully trash a group of people that you don't even know, and if I made you sad, and guilty, I won't feel sorry. Everyone needs a good dose of their own medicine.

Oh and heres the so called "review," I read tonight that set me off, I wasn't going to put this on or name any names because I thought I was better than that, obviously, I'm not.

Please to enjoy (prepare to cringe):

Friday, June 25, 2010

Trials of a Wimpy Actress

Sometimes I really hate acting. For example when a director is screaming at me over and over again to "Focus," until her face turns blue and mine turns red. It can really get to you sometimes, especially since directors are the kings and queens of the underhanded insult. What at first seems to be helpful criticism turns into an entire attack on your own character, and sometimes the results can be crippling to your confidence, which an actor needs a lot of.

I thought by now I would be used to criticism, that I was professional enough and smart enough to just let it roll off my back, but I'm human, and more importantly a teenage actress. An unstable tidal wave of emotion that could be triggered from the slightest comment, the quickest look, and I'm off. My mind going through every reason so and so would say that to me and why they looked at me that way, and every single time I end up thinking "I'm horrible, they hate me." After that thought I'm launched into a self pity jag that could go on for days, and once a whole week.

Thankfully a self pity jag is quickly relieved by stepping on stage and letting go of all stress, anger, and sadness, in a performance that would make Shakespeare cry. I'm not saying I'm insanely talented by any means, I'm just saying that knowing I gave the performance of my life is an amazing feeling. When it comes to opening night I only build on that feeling and the mixed energies of the audience, and I am free on that stage, I am soaring.

I'm asked why I'm an actress, and thats why, to feel freedom.

So maybe directors insult for a reason, they've been there, they've done that, they have seen the worst and the best the acting world has to offer. It kind of makes sense to make it like a "Survival of The Fittest" type game. Only the determined and mostly pigheaded actor can make it through a barrage of insults, mentally unscathed, ready to take whatever they dish out and put it to better use on the stage.

Basically directors are like parents they guide you, and teach you, and also know how to royally piss you off, but its all for your own good because they want you to be happy in the end and feel like you really accomplished something great even if your the only one that felt it, so be kind to your directors, and remember self pity before awesomeness.

Love, Marnie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dream On

2 years ago I thought that by the time I turned 18 I would be super stick thin, prancing around in sun dresses, and playing "I'm no Angel" on a guitar with my super long curly black hair wafting in the breeze. Also I planned on running away to Hollywood after Graduation (with said guitar and said sun dresses), meet Robert Pattinson while playing said song to get some money (like really, Marnie?!). Then Robby would make me a movie star, we would fall madly in love during a passionate scene in said un-named movie, and then we would live happily ever after, making beautiful music, with our beautiful babies, in A-list fame and luxury.

Obviously none of that happened.

1 day away from being 18 and I'm still sitting on my (voluptuous ) ass, computer glued to my lap, cat fast asleep above me, and mother fast asleep across from me, but even though it seems like nothing at all changed, and my life is going completely no where, everything is different.

I've learned more life lessons in past 2 years then I've learned in my whole life. I've learned the real meaning of grief, and all the beautiful things that eventually bloom from that pain. I've also learned not to be afraid of intimacy, that life is worth living, and that dreams can come true, but at their own pace.

And although nothing from the first paragraph haven't happened doesn't mean it can't. I know my ideas, and plans are far-fetched, but who knows, maybe 2 years from now I'll be blogging from a cafe in California, wearing a little white sun dress, and drinking iced tea with R. Pattz.


P.S. Since I've turned into a total gleek, I felt the need to name my post after one of the most epic performance Ive ever seen :)